Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Free Ride Is Over: SDRangel & Windows

The popular SDRangel software package that allows the easiest way to decode digital voice modes such as DMR, Fusion, NXDN and others will no longer be offered as a compiled Microsoft Windows package after version 4.0.0.

Linux & SDRangel:  We want Windows!!!

Without easier to use Windows software available, many casual "want it now" types of users may overlook this software when new versions are released, but version 4.0.0, 3.9.0, 3.8.5 and 3.14.7 are all very useful.

Each of these versions offers a few different features for decoding digital voice not found in later or prior versions.

So here is where you can download each already compiled version to run under a Microsoft Windows environment. For some reason these are now no longer available on GitHub. Here are four 64-bit Windows compiled versions

All that is needed to be done is:
  • Unzip the folder for the version of interest
  • Unzip the folder named "dll and exe" and put all those files in the root folder of the version 
  • Look for the file called sdrangel.exe which is what will run SDRangel
You will also want to put the version of SDRangel in the "Programs" folder on your 64 bit based version of Windows and make sure that the Zadig driver is functional with other SDR programs like SDR# to ensure that your SDR will be able to be recognized by SDRangel as a "File Source".  

If using one of the inexpensive SDR dongles, it will likely show up as RTL-SDR-00001 or similar.

This basic article is more of a repository versus a super in depth tutorial on how to get the software to work. There is a video available from December 2017 posted on YouTube for that.  If you cant find it on your own, then that is why the link to it is not shared here, just to make things difficult for you along with some of the extra unzip steps.

Moving to Linux and newer versions

If you were able to unzip and get everything working on Windows, it it not that much harder to compile SDRangel on a Linux computer using Debian or Ubuntu.

Here is your chance to finally give that Linux stuff a try if you like SDRangel and want to use newer versions of it and also the better efficiency that Linux offers over windows for running applications like this.


  1. Hi, unfortunatelythe these 4 links seem to be dead.

    1. They are old distributions now well out of date, but available via

      SDRangel developer has now restored making compiled Windows versions so no more need to host back up copies here.


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