Wednesday, September 4, 2019

More SDRangel goodness: FreeDV demod added & much more

Sorry, I need to stop being such a fan of SDRangel, but new features continue to roll out worth talking about.

Latest being the better ability to decode FreeDV, which is an open source digital voice mode suitable for use on the HF amateur spectrum allocations.

This voice mode permits FM quality audio in a 1.25 KHz wide channel with no tell tale "hiss" sounds as found while using SSB.   FreeDV outperforms SSB at low SNR.  If this all makes sense to you so far, this should be exciting.   If this does not make sense, the reason why this is important is that lower SNR means better quality audio can be received at lower signal levels, which means overall better performance, range and experience.

If you are involved in transmit capable software defined radio stuff, this latest feature on SDRangel is going to be interesting, along with the already native DMR, Fusion, NXDN, D-Star decoding capability plus DATV reception and transmission for those not just looking for voice modes. No other SDR software has this range of features.

FreeDV was built by an international team of radio amateurs working together on coding, design, user interface and testing. FreeDV is open source software, released under the GNU Lesser Public License version 2.1. The modems and Codec 2 speech codec used in FreeDV are also open source.

Now back to SDRangel v4.11.8

As mentioned back in July 2019, its is now very easy to use SDRangel. A Microsoft Windows executable is now not only compiled, but installable as any other application which makes installation very easy. Linux is still the better operating environment, but there is literally no major difference now with performance on either operating system family now.

You will still need a modern computer to run SDRangel though, which means 64 bit and not 32 bit Windows XP, Vista and earlier, so time to upgrade your computer. You could even run SDRangel on a Raspberry Pi if you really wanted, but that is not the goal of this article.

Here is the latest version you need to download:


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