Friday, May 24, 2019

LimeSDR Mini & SDR#: Yes, it works....

Of all the SDR programs, SDR# still holds a special place in my heart. Until recently, it was hard to get the LimeSDR Mini working with this versatile piece of software.

Lucky for us, Goran Radivojevic (YT7PWR) has done some recent great work to make these two software defined radio things play nice together.

Step 1:  

DownloadSDRSharpLimeSDR_v02.zipfrom and unzip the folder content into where your version of SDR# is found. There are 3 files:

Step 2: 

Add the following line in the frontendPlugins sections of FrontEnds.xml file:

<add key="LimeSDR" value="SDRSharp.LimeSDR.LimeSDRIO,SDRSharp.LimeSDR" />

Step 3

Plug your LimeSDR Mini and load SDR#.  I am using release 1700. You should see LimeSDR in your drop down options under "Sources" just like where you would select RTL-SDR (USB).

HVDN ham radio SDR

Step 4

Click on the gear icon to open the setting for the LimeSDR Mini and hit the "refresh" button.  You should see the details for your LimeSDR Mini come up as pictured below.



With the LimeSDR Mini attached to a laptop via a 6 foot USB cord, reception was fine with my "test setup". The signals shown on SDR# for the curious were two of my MMDVM hotspots operating on 427.585 MHz single slot  and 427.545 MHz dual slot running DMR mode. I pipe audio out of SDR# into DSDplus, but generally I prefer the simplicity of using SDRangel for decoding digital voice modes. Dragorn of Kismet fame printed the nice case for my Lime SDR Mini a while back.

Lime SDR Mini printed case

Steve K2GOG


Recent HVDN Notebook articles worth a look: 

1 comment:

  1. My windows 10 system will not allow me to paste the edited (with Notepad) FrontEnds.xml file back into the C:\Program Files directory.


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